Monday 6 July 2015

What Happens When you Drink Warm Water Every Morning?

Generally Japanese people drink water in the mornings. Many studies have shown the benefits of this morning habit. This routine provides positive results and has a healing effect on the body.
There is a proof that if you drink water at the morning on an empty stomach, that can be very helpful in treating many diseases, including: pain in any part of the body, headache, tachycardia, cardiovascular disorders and diseases, bronchitis, epilepsy, meningitis, increased blood fat levels, kidney diseases, gastritis, urinary tract diseases, tuberculosis, asthma, diarrhea, vomiting, diabetes, hemorrhoids, gastritis, eye and vision problems, constipation, menstrual problems, uterine diseases, conditions and diseases affecting the nose, ear and throat.
Treatment Methods
  1. In the morning when you wake up, before you brush your teeth, drink 640 ml of warm water.
  2. Then brush your teeth, and don’t eat and drink anything in the following 45 minutes.
  3. After 45 minutes you can eat your breakfast.
  4. After your meals, breakfast, lunch or dinner, don’t drink or eat anything in the following two hours.
  5. Sick and older people who can’t drink 4 glasses of water, should start with that amount that their body can accept, and then they will get used with the recommended amount. They should increase the amount of water until they get to 640 ml.
  6. This method is great and it will help you to treat any health condition that you have, and also if you are healthy, you would enjoy the energy that this method provides.

How many days should this treatment take?
  1. Gastritis – 10 days
  2. High Blood Pressure – 30 days
  3. Constipation – 10 days
  4. Diabetes – 30 days
  5. Tuberculosis – 90 days
  6. Cancer – 180 days
The best thing that you can do, is to keep drinking that amount of water every day if it is possible.
The people that have arthritis should use this method in the first 3 days of the week only. Then they have to make a break for a week, and then to start again, but this time every day. This method of drinking water will not have any unwanted side effects, except that you will urinate frequently.
Drink water and stay active. Japanese and Chinese people drink hot tea while eating their meals, not cold water. Maybe we should try this.
It is good to drink cold beverage after the meal, but the cold beverage will fix the fat that you have consumed. When those constructions react with the acid, the intestine will absorb them very faster than the solid food. That could cause cancer. So, it is good to drink hot soup or hot water after the meal.
Important note for the heart attacks: you should know that not always the symptom of pain in the left hand means heart attack. You should take into account the intense pain in your denture. Intensive sweating and sickness are also usual symptoms. 60% of the people that have a heart attack while sleeping, didn’t wake up. The pain in the denture could wake you up. Be very careful with that.

Here are other 7 reasons why you should drink a glass of warm water

  1. Drinking one glass of warm water every day will clean your skin, and it is recommended to those who have problems with dry skin and acnes.
  2. Warm water relaxes the muscle, so it is good if you have menstrual pain.
  3. In the mornings before your breakfast and 30 minutes after the meal, drink one glass of warm water to get rid of the bloating.
  4. Drinking warm water helps to eliminate the urinary tract infection and relieve the heartburn.
  5. Regularly drinking of warm water will improve your circulation, sweating and toxin removal from the body.
  6. If you drink one glass of warm water one hour after the meal, you will boost your metabolism and you will burn calories.
  7. If you regularly drink warm water, that can help if you have asthma or if you hiccup, and will give you additional power if you have a cold or cough.


Unknown said...

i agree with dat,,it tru,,luv dis site

Unknown said...

Even a scientist once say,''drink atlist 5liters of water every morning,it keeps d body fresh and keeps d brain warm,which makes it quick for entry''

Unknown said...

Even a scientist once say,''drink atlist 5liters of water every morning,it keeps d body fresh and keeps d brain warm,which makes it quick for entry''

Unknown said...

i agree with dat,,it tru,,luv dis site