Tuesday 28 July 2015

Interesting Facts About the Pineapple That You Have Never Heard Before

The pineapple is rich in many nutrients that protect our organism and protect us from many health diseases. The pineapple has a sweet taste and it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, fiber, calcium, and phosphorus.
1. Protects us from many types of cancer
The pineapple contains antioxidants that prevent the damage to cells and fight against the free radicals. It helps in the fight against many diseases like heart diseases, atherosclerosis, arthritis and many types of cancer.
2. Strengthens the bones
The pineapple contains a high percentage of the manganese that strengthens the bones and also the binding tissue. Just one cup of its juice has 73 percent of the daily needs of this powerful mineral.
3. Protects against infections and inflammation
This fruit is rich in bromelain and vitamin C, enzymes that protect against bacterial infections and break down proteins. Successfully treat coughs and colds.
4. Protects the heart
The pineapple contains antioxidants that reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and protect against free radicals. If you consume the pineapple regularly, you will be able to decrease the risk of heart disease and strengthen the heart muscle.
5. Protects eyes
The sight weakens over the years, and the beta carotene from the pineapple is very important for the eye health. This is the reason why you should consume pineapple regularly.
6. Protects against hypertension
If you have high blood pressure, you should include the pineapple in your diet because the sodium and potassium from the pineapple will help you to balance your blood pressure.
7. Improves the process of digestion
Vitamin C, bromelain and fiber from the pineapples improve the process of digestion.
8. It fights against acne
The pineapple is rich in vitamin C and it is amazing when it comes to remove the gray complexion and dark spots. It boosts the production of collagen and fights against acne. It helps the skin to look more elastic and tighter and reduces the redness.

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