Tuesday 18 August 2015

Passion and Praise: Undiluted worship of God

CAUGHT amid a world fraught with challenges, there is need for people to climb away from the ‘maddening crowd’, reach into heights of inspired praise and worship, and descend thereafter, refreshed and adrenalised to claim every divine promise for success.
“But haven’t we been doing just that?” you might ask. “Yes,” replies Funmilayo Oloyede, “but there is much more.”
Oloyede is the brain behind Passion and Praise, a new platform “borne out of the desire for an unadulterated worship of God and rekindling of fire in men to bring them to the throne of His Grace.”
The Assistant Worship Leader at Daystar Christian Centre, Lagos, Oloyede seems to appreciate the role of worship in everyday life. Importantly, “God seeks such to worship Him in spirit and in truth,” she says.
“Christ said the harvest is ripe but the reapers are few. It is only iron that can sharpen iron. The time we are living is a very sensitive one. The spirit is willing to do the work of God but the flesh is weak. We, therefore, need to be transformed by the renewing of our mind.
“Passion and Praise is a platform for people to come together from all walks of life, under one roof and in one spirit, to offer worship to God. There is power in synergy; this was evident at the meeting of the saints in the Upper Room where the power of God moved greatly. Passion and Praise is, therefore, a platform to bond, encourage and renew strength in His awesome presence,” says Oloyede.
She outlines the outfit’s Scripture-based thrust in 1 Peter 2:3-9: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him, who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.”
Besides holding worship concerts, seminars and choir training, among others, Oloyede says Passion and Praise has a vision to reach out to the less privileged.

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