Tuesday 30 June 2015

Guitar Strength: Seven Habits That Will Make You a Better Guitarist

Like the headline says, here are seven habits — habits you'll need to get into — that will, simply put, make you a better guitarist.
01. Visualize: You don’t just have to practice when there’s a guitar in your hands. There’s plenty of time in the day being wasted that you can use to improve your playing. Whenever you have a spare few seconds to daydream or are zoning out in class or at a meeting or waiting in line at the DMV, etc., use the time to go inside your mind’s eye and ears and visualize yourself perfectly executing the lick, riff or song you’ve been working on.
See and hear yourself playing the part with an expert ease, gliding as one with the strings, “virtually” feeling your fingers and your pick in precise synchronization. Repeat this whenever you can and you’ll find you’re better than you were before the last time you picked up the guitar and that the experience of the real guitar in your hands is enriched for the process.
An added bonus of this is that when you get better at connecting the disparate experiences of the imagined and the real, you’ll find that the accuracy of translating what you hear in your head through your fingers to the fretboard will significantly improve, as will your ability to transcribe things you hear while away from your guitar (if nothing else, you’ll be floored at how realistic your air guitar playing will be!).
02. Learn Something New Every Day: This is one of the easiest things you can do to enrich your guitar playing, musicianship and, most importantly, your discipline and motivation. Simply put, find one guitar-related thing a day that you didn’t know already and learn it. And play it. It can be a riff, a lick, a chord, a scale, an exercise, a song, a melody, an altered tuning, a strum pattern, the part of a song you know all of the cool riffs of but never bothered to learn the “boring” connecting transition sections of, whatever.
The discipline of seeking out, playing and internalizing a new piece of guitar knowledge on a daily basis will feed your subconscious musical instincts, add new concepts to your muscle memory and ultimately aid in your ability to express yourself and perform effortlessly on the guitar.
Make this a part of your day and you’ll find that as you continue on your journey, one thing will become two, then three, and on and on until you are devouring as much as you can absorb on the guitar, every day!
03. Jam! While it’s awesome to have perfected that ripping 128th note shredfest in your bedroom or basement, perhaps the most important thing for a guitarist to do is to play along with or to some sort of accompaniment.
Obviously, playing with another live musician or group of musicians in the same room is the perfect situation (And you should put yourself in those situations as often as possible), but there are many alternatives that can be just as beneficial. Today we have innumerable options, such as virtual backing bands and tracks through the Internet, computer programs such as EZ Drummer (highly recommended for its ease of use and versatility) or Garageband loops, plus apps on our phones that can act as stable backdrops against which we can hone our performance skills.
Playing with accompaniment such as this will greatly improve your consistency, your endurance, your improvisational ability and your feel for locking into a groove.
As another fun and educational option, jam along with your favorite songs. You can play along with the song note-for-note as written and improve your chops by executing the nuances and fitting in seamlessly with the rhythm, or you can use the track as a launch pad for exercising your improvisational muscles and integrating the licks you have been practicing. Play along with songs outside of your comfort zone of style or technicality to gain further benefits from this. Jamming along with TV, commercials or movie soundtracks while you’re relaxing with a guitar in your hands can be fun and rewarding.
04. Record Yourself: There is no better way to see your guitar playing objectively and to motivate yourself to work to become a better player than to record yourself. There are countless affordable media for recording yourself on your own, and when you record, you can listen to yourself with fresh ears and hear the things you like and dislike about your playing. You’ll find it’s infinitely easier to pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses and focus your practice accordingly.
Record yourself playing rhythm and then record other complimentary parts such as leads, melodies, counterpoints and complimentary alternate rhythms and you’ll learn about composition, production and ensemble performance. When you begin to focus on these complimentary parts, you’ll find that your vision and scope expands, as do your goals, and as you work to create complete songs, your abilities grow exponentially while you work to write and perform to the best of your ability.
The other benefit of recording yourself is that you will consistently maintain a record of your growth as a player. The journey of a guitarist is always (or should be) one of constant growth, and recording yourself is an awesome way to measure how far you have come.
05. Take Lessons: As a guitar instructor by trade, I am clearly biased, but the most obvious and productive thing any guitarist can do to improve their playing is to take lessons. While there is an ever-expanding universe of Internet resources, books, instructional videos, etc., available, nothing can compare to the one-on-one interaction with the expertise of a skilled guitar teacher. A teacher will identify your strengths and weaknesses, sharpening your skills and eliminating your flaws. A good teacher also will help you save time in your development by helping you sift through all of the information out there and lead you on the right path toward quickly realizing your goals as a guitarist.
Guitar teachers get paid to make you better, and spending the money will make you take your study seriously. Every story of a “self taught” guitarist still involves some part where they learned a lot from someone they knew who was more proficient and knowledgeable than them who helped shape their development, and even the extremely educated and virtuosic Randy Rhoads (who was a guitar teacher himself) was known to seek out guitar teachers whenever he had available time while making history touring and recording with Ozzy Osbourne, so break out of your rut, accelerate the evolution of your playing to the next level and get some lessons!
06. Focus your practice time: We’ve all heard stories of guitarists with marathon 12-hour or daily three-hour practice sessions, but for most guitarists, a tight, focused 10 to 30 minutes of consistent daily practice will prove more efficient. There is a difference in “practice” and “playing” time, and oftentimes the two get confused.
Practice should involve (after warming up) maintenance exercises to keep up your chops and emphasize your strengths, and focused work on specific goals that deal with integrating new knowledge and technique. Keeping the time spent on practice to an intelligent minimum, breaking up the topics to be addressed into small chunks, will help avoid wasted effort and will leave time to play.
In an ideal world, we’d all have three to six or more solid hours each day to spend with a guitar in hand, but for most of you reading this, the time you have available is substantially less. Oftentimes, setting out to practice for an extended period of time becomes a chore for some, and then the practice gets put off if something else comes up. Planning for at least 10 minutes of consistent daily practice time isn’t much of a chore for anyone, and if you get into the habit, you’ll find that you find ways to make more time to practice more.
Break up your practice regimen into skill sets and techniques, practice them daily, and then use them more efficiently when you’re playing. Let a guitar teacher mentor you through the process of designing a suitable practice routine for your schedule, or do your best assessing yourself and create your own. They key is consistency and brief, yet physically and mentally intense sessions.
Twenty minutes every day of truly focused practice is tremendously more conducive to development than a two-hour session every once in a while. And if you keep up with a reasonable, steady schedule, you’ll find that those occasions when you have time for an all-day practice session are all the more fruitful for it.
More importantly, keeping a consistent, intense practice regimen will leave all of your other free “guitar time” available for jamming, improvising, recording and experimenting, all of the while being able to do so with your skills at the highest possible level.
07. Track Your Progress The growth of any guitarist can be greatly improved by the simple awareness of the development of that growth. As you develop the discipline to be learning and practicing on a daily basis, it is extremely important to keep a log or diary of the process of your improvement in order to further maximize growth. The easiest way to do this is to keep a consistent log of your daily routine.
While this may seem a bit obsessive, you’ll find that keeping track of your daily practice will help you focus future practice sessions, maintain and continue awareness of steady progress, and also locate particularly fruitful practice phases in your past that can be replicated and upgraded when you feel your growth has stalled.
Create your own daily “workout log” or click, save and use the example below:

10 Industrial Uses for Coke That Prove it is Not Good For Us

Coca – Cola is popular in the world like the most valuable brand in the history and also the second most recognized phrase on the planet after “Hello.” In many places around the world buying a Coke is ironically less expensive and easier than the access to clean water.
Although the Coke tries to present itself like an environmentally and socially conscious company, the real truth is that it is connected to water shortages and pollution.
Also, the acidity of Coke has led many to ask the toxicity of the drink, relating to long-term health, because its pH rating is one point higher than the pH rating of battery acid.
In one study by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the researchers discovered that persons who consumed minimum one soda a day had a 44 percent higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome during the 4 year study.
The crew studied 2,400 and more middle aged white residents of Framingham, Mass., especially focusing on more than 1,600 people who haven’t shown signs of metabolic syndrome when the study started. Then, these persons were tracked by the team for at least 4 years.
Those people who drank minimum one soda can per day also had:
  • a 30% higher risk of getting a larger waistline
  • a 31% higher risk of becoming obese
  • a 32% higher risk of having low levels of good cholesterol
  • a 25% higher risk of having low good cholesterol levels
  • a trend toward an increased risk of high blood pressure
In another study, it was discovered that people have a 48% increased risk of stroke or heart attack when drinking one or more soda cans per day, in a comparison to those that don’t drink it every day.
The soft drink consumption has also been connected to respiratory disorders like as asthma and COPD.

10 Household Uses

The Coke is not good for the human body, the extreme acidity of this drink makes it work like an amazing cleaning product.

The pH of 0 to nearly 7 is acidic in the scale, while from 7 to 14 is alkaline on the pH scale. The pH level of the battery acid is 1, while the pure water has a pH of 7.
In the test done on the acidity levels of Coke, it was discovered to have 2.5 pH levels.
Because of that, it can clean surfaces just like many toxic household cleaners.

Here are 10 household uses of Coke like a domestic cleaner that show it is not healthy for the human health.
1. Remove the rust – methods include using sponge, fabric, or even aluminum foil dipped in this drink.

2. Clean burnt pans – soak the pan in the Coke, and then rinse it
3. Clean the oil stains from the garage floor – let the stain soak and then hose off.

4. Clean the engine – Coke distributors have been using this method for decades.
5. Make pennies shine bright like a diamond – soak the old pennies in Coke to remove the tarnish.

6. Remove the stains from the vitreous china.
7. Clean the toilet: pour it and leave it for a while, then flush it.
8. Remove the blood stains from fabric and clothing.
9. Coke together with aluminum foil will bring the Chrome a high shine.
10. Strip the paint off metal furniture – soak one towel in Coke and then lay it on the paint surface.
It is clear that the Coca – Cola is a product that has many amazing uses. Although the record shows that the best uses of this product are not connected with consumption.

7 Morning Routines That Healthy People Do Every Day

1. A glass of water after you wake up
Drinking one glass of water after you wake up will dehydrate your body, gets the things flowing, and revs up your digestive system. You might notice positive changes like better digestion and clearer skin. It is better if you add a lemon juice or one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
2. Think of one thing in the morning for which you are proud
This will set the stage for positivity throughout the whole day. It will be better to come up with three or five things.
3. Don’t check your phone or email for at least one hour
Do you sleep together with your phone next to the pillow and grab it right in the morning? This is a bad habit. If you opt to resist the temptation to check out Facebook feed or email until minimum one hour after you wake up, you will discover that your mind is more focused, clear and happy.
4. Go outside and take a deep breath
Even if it is cold outside, you should fill your lungs with fresh air.  This just takes 10 seconds. It will remind you that you are breathing and alive.

5. Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning
Focus on getting a real food in the body, rather than choosing a box of cereal. Soaked oats, eggs and smoothies are all great options, and they don’t take that much time to prepare them.
6. Move the body
You don’t need to do an intense workout before breakfast, but you can move it the body even a little in order to get the blood flowing and to shake the body into wake-up mode. Do a few stretches or turn on your most favorite song and dance.Say your affirmation
7. Say your affirmation
Take a look into the mirror and say something positive. Here are some ideas:
  • Every cell in my body is vibrant and healthy.
  • I radiate beauty, grace and confidence.
  • I feel really great when I take care of myself.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Tips and Tricks that will Help You Improve Your Singing

Singing is indeed great for the soul! Singing causes release of �endorphins� or hormones that cause happiness among human beings. There isn�t a better way to invoke emotions in people than to sing. Feeling lonely and sad? Why don�t you sing your way to relief? Music has always been used by people to express their deepest emotions, be it love, anger, or happiness. But the question here is �can everyone learn to sing? Yes! Everybody who can understand rhythm can learn to sing.

Good singing is all about listening carefully as you sing, and making your voice expressive. There are several websites that help people to improve their singing. These websites teach people about the essentials of becoming a good singer, and techniques that�ll help you improve your singing voice.

These websites also help people with exercises that are designed to improve vocal chords. Regular practice of these exercises is sure to help people increase their pitch range, make their voice stronger, and make singing an effortless job.

They also teach people about the right method to breathe. While breathing is one of the most instinctive things that we do, it�s important for singers to learn the proper method to breathe. Often when you enroll yourself in a singing class to improve your singing, breathing is one of the most important things taught. Singers are taught to breathe from the diaphragm or to breathe deeply without tension on the chest and shoulder. Slow breathing not only helps to improve singing but also helps reduce stress hormones, and slows down the heart rate.

Another important aspect covered by these online tutorials is to help people sing in tune. Reasons like stress, wrong posture, and incorrect breathing may affect your tone while singing. Hence when singing, always make sure you place a sound correctly. Ever wondered why singers often �mm� and �aagh� when singing? That�s done to help them place a sound correctly.

When you learn to sing, you also learn how muscles of the whole body contribute to a sound. You�ve often wondered why teachers ask students to sing with their whole body. That�s because it�s not only the throat and the larynx that�s involved but every muscle of the singer�s body that�s involved.

These online tutorials also teach pupils the importance of a good diction. There are several exercises that help people improve their diction.

But before you learn how to sing, it�s important to determine your voice type. Voice types are generally classified into soprano, mezzo-soprano or contralto (in female voices), and tenor, baritone or bass (in male voices).

Scripture Prayer: Prayers of Faith and Power

Most folks who have grown up in Christian homes have been exposed to prayer, maybe even taught some prayer. Prayer is part of the culture - the Christian culture. Unfortunately, prayer that is cultural and not based in faith sounds and feels empty. At some point, people praying in this fashion begin to question the whole idea of prayer. Then they either go deeper or completely jump ship.

If this is you or anyone close to you, don't jump ship before finishing this article. Prayer is an exercise in power. Early followers saw this power as a result of Jesus' prayers. Remember, they flocked around with, "Lord, teach us to pray!" They experienced the power. They saw the results. They were incredibly impressed and inspired to do the same. Fast-forward two thousand years! Much of what passes as prayer are memorized words, faith-less repetition and a lot of whining, No inspiration here. Do not feel bad if you have gnashed your teeth when exposed to such prayer. Deep inside you know there is a better way. Take a look at one of those ways. Pray Scripture One rapid way to build a powerful prayer life is to pray Scripture. If this is totally new to you, no worry. A number of good sites on-line can instruct you. But for starters, try this. Take one verse of Scripture that has meaning for you and that you have need of. Try Psalm 91:11. He sets His angels to guard you in all your ways. Slowly repeat that verse several times. Let it roll around on the inside. Consider the meaning of it. Now reconstruct the verse to be personal and present tense. Lord, thank you. You have set your angels to guard me in all my ways. Can you feel the verse begin to root in you? Strengthen you? Fill you with some confidence? Give this activity some attention in moments of quiet. You will probably have to make the quiet. Well worth the effort! Find another verse in Psalm 91 and repeat the process. Can you feel the difference between this type of prayer and those prayers you have found so frustrating? To speed up your new prayer training and to ramp up the power of it, pray with two or three others. Each of you take time to pray aloud while the other two enter in silently. When a small groups prays Scripture in this way, you can feel the power being released and the faith levels arise. Understanding the Power. First: Words carry power. Solomon was clear on this issue. He told us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. That was thousands of years ago. Now you read of experiments of the effects of words on water. What a stir that has caused! Yes, life and death are in the power of the tongue...your tongue. If words, your words, coming out of your heart carry that kind of power, then what kind of power do you find in the Word of Psalm 91 that has come from God's heart? Jesus says those Words are spirit and life (John 6:63). Paul says they are living and powerful (Hebrews 4:12). The Strong's Concordance lists the word powerful as energes in the Greek #1756. Energes means active, operative, powerful. Implication here is that the Word of God is energy, powerful energy at that! Pray the Word (Scripture) and you are releasing some of the energy. To repeat, just in case you find this almost unbelievable - pray Scripture, Psalm 91 for instance, and you release energy from Heaven. Second: Scripture builds faith. Paul tell you that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). That makes no sense until you try it, experience it, are impacted by it. Pray Scripture on a regular basis and see how your faith expands. As you pray in this fashion, you are exercising faith in what God has said. Faith is a force, You just released that force in prayer. Experience the difference! Most prayers you hear are prayers of hope rather than prayers of faith. Hope is a good thing, but faith is better. Do you remember how Jesus marveled over instances of faith when He found them? He loved it! He still does. Third: Scripture renews your mind. Praying Scripture is a sure-fire way to overwrite your negative thinking. And, negative thinking can severely hamper your ability to pray in faith. As negative thinking loses its grip, you are replacing those thoughts with life-giving thoughts from Scripture. You are beginning to think like God thinks!

When Joshua assumed leadership for leading the Israelites into the Promised Land, the Lord told him to not let the Book of the Law (Scripture) depart from his eyes. Joshua was told to meditate on it day and night in order to have success (Joshua 1:7-9). Joshua was learning to think like God and so will you. You have your Promised Land to conquer and you know it's a bigger job than you are capable of - unless you think like God. Praying Scripture is a great boost to get you on track for this. Fourth: Agreement is a power of its own. In Matthew 18:19 Jesus said that if any two of us on earth agree concerning an issue, anything we ask will be done by our Father in Heaven. That's how powerful agreement is. Pray a Scripture and you come into agreement with God Himself as well as agreement with other believers who are also praying and proclaiming the Scripture. What does the power of agreement look like in action? Jesus demonstrated it. To explain His three years of stunning miracles, He told us that He spoke what the Father was saying and did what He saw the Father doing. That is was agreement with Heaven can look like! This is Kingdom life and you are invited into it. So are you ready to leave those frustrating, whining prayers behind? The steps are simple. By praying Scripture you expand your faith, begin thinking like God thinks, agree with Him and speak what He has spoken through Scripture. Your prayer life will never be the same again: dynamic with power and laced with countless testimonies of answered prayer.

Don’t Throw Away The Lemon Peels – Use The Lemon Peels To Improve The Health

After juicing the lemons, the lemon peels generally end up in the trash can. Today we will present you some benefits of the lemon peels and their nutrient content. Use the lemon peels to prevent and treat the different health problems.
Lemon peel contains 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the juice, including vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, beta-carotene, potassium and magnesium.
The lemon peel contains ingredients that are important in the fight against the cancer. Salvestrol Q40 is important in the fight against the early stage cancer cells, especially in the cases of colon, breast and skin cancer.
Lemon peel contains vitamin C and P flavonoids, whose combination decreases the blood pressure and the LDL cholesterol, and cleanses the blood vessels. The lemon peel strengthens the bones and prevents osteoporosis.
Lemon peel juice:
Wash two lemons. After you squeeze the juice out, chop the peels finely. Pour in 2 to 3 dl warm water and let it like that for 12 hours. Every 3 hours drink 2 tablespoons of this juice, and also after and before meals.
When you finish the dose, make another one and repeat the process. This recipe is ideal for hypertension, cholesterol and atherosclerosis, because of its high vitamin P content. In a combination with the vitamin C, these vitamins strengthen the blood stream and cleanse the blood vessels.
Consuming the lemon peel
Wash the lemons and freeze them. While cooking the meals, shred some of the peel over the soups, salads, fish dishes and many other meals.
The nutritionists recommend adding shredded lemon peel in warm tea. But make sure it releases its juices in the tea before you drink it. This will give your drinks and food a refreshing flavor, and also a great amount of anticancer elements and vitamins to strengthen the protection against cancer and heart diseases.
You should always buy organic lemons. But, if you can’t find organic lemons, wash them well or soak them in apple cider vinegar solution for about 10 to 15 minutes before using the lemon peel, in order to remove any chemicals and dirt.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

The Perfect Gift For That Special Someone

Having trouble coming up with the perfect gift for that special woman in your life? Whether it's for your wife, your girlfriend or your sister, shopping for women can be a challenge. But one gift that never goes unappreciated and is considerably more personal than a gift card is a charm from Tiffany's.

Tiffany's hand crafted charms come in a huge variety of styles and mediums, although gold and silver are the most popular. They are sorted in groups and collections, such as "Love" which consists of hearts and the word love in many variations; "Tiffany Locks" which has little heart padlocks; and "Travel & Hobbies" which includes some of my favorites ---a little silver and Tiffany blue convertible, an 18k gold and diamond camera, a sterling silver Eiffel tower, and a silver and blue enamel Scooter.

All in all there are close to three hundred different charms to choose from. Some of the high end charms even have moving parts, such as lids that open and close. The charms can also be engraved, either by machine or if for a little extra by the hands of a skilled engraver, with the recipient's initials, to allow for even more customization. Charm prices range from $65 for basic sterling silver discs to over $8,000 for two of Jean Schlumberger's designs.

If you do a Google search for Tiffany charms, you will get over 7 million hits. However, know that the vast majority of those sites do NOT sell authentic Tiffany charms. Tiffany's do not have an outlet, nor do their charms ever go on sale, so stay away from sites that mention anything along those lines. Also watch for "Tiffany style" or "Tiffany inspired" ---again, not the real thing. The safest places to shop are either at a Tiffany store or on their website. Sure, it's tempting when you see one of the high end charms for half the price, but if you want a true Tiffany charm, or if you're giving one as a gift, don't fall for it.

Tiffany's charms are admittedly on the pricey side, and few of us are able to stroll in and impulse buys an entire bracelet, but I think collecting them slowly over the years is part of the fun. And as your tastes and likes change, so will your bracelet. If you build it up over a period of 10 years, it will become a little memoir on your wrist. And a valuable one to boot!

Camilla Hughes blogs at Charms Guide where she covers all aspects of charms and talks about her favorite designers, such as Pandora, Tiffany Co Thomas Sabo, Camilla and others.

Why Do We Have to Practice Being Spiritual?

Much like athletic practice, spiritual practice allows your to strengthen the muscles necessary for feeling unity with a Higher Power. Learn how to incorporate small and short spiritual practices -- or larger and longer ones -- into your life, so your day becomes a constant spiritual practice and your life a continuous spiritual experience.
Have you ever wondered why we those of us on a spiritual path are told to have a "practice"? Imagine if we all joined a spiritual team and got together every day for practice. What would we do? Would we run prayer sprints? Would we stretch our beliefs? Would we scrimmage different religions? Truth be told, practice is just as important to becoming a spiritual person as it is to becoming a great soccer player, swimmer or baseball player.
A spiritual practice is much like an athletic practice except the focus lies on becoming more spiritual – more open to spiritual experiences, to connecting with our Higher Self or God, to tapping into the flow of Divine Energy – rather than on becoming a better athlete. Just as the physical athlete must stretch and strengthen his muscles, spiritual athletes must stretch and strengthen their ability to quiet their minds, open to their spiritual nature, sense the part of themselves that is connected to the Divine, and experience a unity with All That Is. While some people have a spiritual or mystical experience without trying, the vast majority of people must exert effort daily to get just a little bit closer to feeling even a vague sense of something that might be called "spiritual."
What Does Spiritual Practice Look Like?
So, just like our friends who are in search of the ultimate peak physical experience, we spiritual seekers are forced to practice, practice, practice so we might actually have a peak spiritual experience. What does that practice really look like? For some, it involves daily prayer sessions. For others, it means meditating every day. For others, it might mean doing good deeds for others. And for yet others, it means performing God's commandments, walking in nature, having a conversation with the Divine, journaling, using Tarot cards or a pendulum, or gazing at the ocean. No matter what practice they choose, it almost always involves doing whatever it is they do at least once a day.
Why Is The Repetition So Important?
Why does spiritual practice have to happen so often? The answer comes down to habit formation. When our spiritual practice becomes a habit, we can relax and allow it to be part of who we are and what we do. It becomes part of our life. In addition, when we can do what we do without thinking – because it is a habit – we allow in something other than our thoughts about what we are doing. What we are doing takes no thought. And when we don't have to think about what we are doing, we open our minds to focus upon something else. We open our experience to something else. We stop doing and start being. And since our being stems from the Divine Being, we begin moving closer to unity with the Divine. We move closer to having a spiritual experience.
Additionally, when we form a habit – an action that requires little or no thought to accomplish – we can then take what might seem empty, rote action and instill it with meaning. We can think about why we are doing that action – what symbolism it has or what significance it holds for us personally – and the empty action becomes full of meaning or meaning-full. If we also infuse that action with faith and belief, we fill that action with spirit, and it becomes spirit-full.
What To Do When Practice Feels Like A Struggle
I've struggled with having a spiritual practice. Often I'm too tired to get up early enough or to stay up late enough to spend time meditating and praying. Or I simply don't have the time for journaling, going inward, or going to a religious service.
For those of us too busy for a lengthy spiritual practice, I recommend small spiritual practices. Try 10 minute of prayer or meditation in the morning. Or light a candle and burn some incense when you get up and offer a prayer of gratitude. Just before you begin your work day, light a candle on your desk, quiet your mind, and ask that your work be karma yoga – holy work. Or set your wrist watch to sound an alarm once an hour; when it rings, stop for even 30 seconds and clear your mind and allow yourself to be in the moment – since God is in the moment.
Make these, or other short simple actions, your spiritual practices. You'll find your day and your life significantly enriched, and the experience will motivate you to find time for longer spiritual practices. Or you, if you like these short practice periods, you can add in more of them: a five minute meditation during your lunch break, a 10 minute journaling time before bed or a blessing before and after meals. In this way, your day will become one spiritual practice after another.
Making Your Whole Day a Spiritual Practice
The ultimate goal of a spiritual practice revolves around having your whole day (week, month, year, life) feel like a spiritual practice or, at least, like an extension of your spiritual practice. I believe that is the idea behind the enormous number of mitzvot, or commandments, Jews are asked to remember and to act upon each day. If you try to observe even five or 10 of them each day, you find that your actions are tied into a spiritual practice on an almost constant basis. You praise God for your body working correctly when you awake. You offer gratitude for a multitude of events each morning. You bless the food you eat, acknowledging that it comes form a Higher Source. You raise your hands after washing them and ask that they be used in God's service. As you go to sleep at night, you ask that your transgressions and those of others be forgiven. Mitzvot are actually connectors; each time one commandment is performed, it connects the person to a Higher Source. The action reminds them of God.
If you can't find time every day for spiritual practice, commit to having a practice every week. For Jews – and even for non-Jews – I recommend taking on the Friday night Sabbath candle lighting as a spiritual practice. Along with this, try giving yourself a sanctuary in time – 24 hours that are sacred, a real Sabbath. You can then build on this by developing a daily hour of spiritual practice when you do something you feel represents a spiritual practice.
To a great extent, spiritual practice involves remembering God on a minute-by-minute basis. When we remember our Divine Source we allow ourselves to be aware of that Source. And when we are aware of Divinity, we can experience it. Without a spiritual practice, we go through each day or each week without awareness of GodHealth Fitness Articles, and the lack of awareness makes it almost impossibly for us to experience anything other than our own physical reality let alone our own spirit or the Spirit of the Universe.

12 Guitar Practice Tips: Do You Know How To Practice Like a Pro?

Learn the best kept guitar practice secrets of the professionals. If you would like to play guitar like a master then you’ll absolutely need to read these 12 Essential Guitar Practice Tips.
If you really want to learn to play guitar well you must do one simple thing before anything else. You must learn how learning takes place between your muscles and brain. If you understand the process that your brain must go through to train your muscles your practice sessions will produce predictably effective results.
You have probably heard the term muscle memory. This is the process of your brain learning and storing a set of precise instructions for each group of muscles needed for every small task you want your fingers to perform on the guitar. When muscle memory is solidly established it becomes a naturally effortless and an almost unconscious act to play the guitar well.
These tasks need to be practiced at speeds that are slow enough so that you can consistently perform them perfectly. If you practice the guitar at a tempo that produces lots of mistakes you end up teaching your muscles how to play the exercise with the mistakes included. Unfortunately muscles cannot distinguish between playing with mistakes and playing without them.
Here are 12 tips for having practice sessions that will support the development of good muscle memory:
1. Prepare your whole body for the practice session.
Practice while relaxed. Just like an airplane pilot checks over the plane prior to take off you should check your body for any tension, stiffness, tightness, pain or any discomfort. Tight muscles can become tighter during practice which can seriously limit the full range of motion needed to master the guitar. Even tension in the shoulders can travel to the arms and then eventually to the fingers. Stretch and warm your entire body before playing in order to stay loose. Begin practicing with slow, easy exercises to prepare your hands for more demanding new material.
2. Practice in a quiet, comfortable place where you are unlikely to be disturbed.
3. Commit to a specific time each day for practice.
Begin each day with a firm commitment to a practice plan that includes the specific details of when, where and what to play.
4. Keep your practice sessions short, frequent and very specific.
It is more effective to practice 20 minutes everyday than to practice two or three hours once a week.
5. Always practice with a metronome.
Let me repeat that. Always practice with a metronome. It is surprising how often even good guitarists break this rule. Training yourself to play at a consistent tempo will make your music sound professional. This is valuable whether you plan to play just for friends at a party or in a stadium full of screaming fans.
6. Tune the guitar before each practice.
7. Determine your optimum practice speeds.
For each part of a scale, exercise or song find the fastest metronome speed that you can play without making mistakes. Practice it for a day at 25% to 30% of that maximum tempo. Follow this with a day at 50% of maximum then another day at 75%. On day four practice at your old maximum speed. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that you have a new, faster maximum speed. Be forewarned, however, that this routine might seem ridiculously slow but, hang in there because it really will pay off.
8. Do not try to learn too many different things at each practice session.
Practice only small sections of an exercise or song at a time. Working on an entire new song, all in one setting, makes it more difficult for your brain to cement solid muscle memories. Just like a newborn baby can’t handle an entire meal of solid food we need to practice only a few, small musical spoonfuls at a time.
9. Work on the problem parts not just what you already know.
This may sound extremely obvious but there is a tendency for new guitarists to play the easy parts over and over while continuing to stumble over the problem spots.
10. Spend the first ten minutes warming upPsychology Articles, then split the remaining time equally between new exercises and new songs.
11. Set aside some time to just goof around with the guitar.
Make sure to inject a healthy dose of fun in each practice session. If you have been working on blues scales then why not put on some jam tracks or even your favorite blues CD and try to improvise a solo. Select a favorite song to work on at the end of each practice session.
12. If you plan to perform in front of people ...
Perfect your songs in private then practice playing in front of sympathetic friends and family members. Create a practice environment that is as close to the conditions of your upcoming performance as possible. If you will perform standing up then use a guitar strap and practice that way. Tell your friendly practice audiences to feel free to talk and laugh it up during your practice. This will help you learn to become comfortable in a distracting concert environment. Consider recording your practice sessions with a simple home video camera on a tripod.
Opening night jitters can throw off your game no matter how well you know the material. If you have repeatedly practiced playing in simulated concert environments then the real deal can be a breeze.
The bottom line: in order to play well you must acknowledge how your body is programmed to learn then design practice sessions that are complimentary.

How To Grow Taller Fast

If you are reading this article then are wondering how to grow taller fast. Is this even possible? Yes and no. It is possible to grow taller but it will take some time and effort. Don't let that discourage you because you can grow and extra couple of inches if you work your butt off. Now that we have that out of the way, I will give some tips on how to grow taller.

There are a couple of thing that you need to do in order to grow taller. These are very simple to do and will only take a little extra time each day. The first thing I am going to discuss is exercising. There are very targeted exercises that you can do to help you grow taller if their done correct.

Hanging - This is pretty self explanatory. Find a bar that is tall enough that will allow you to fully extend. Gravity is going to be pulling you down and will allow the weight of your lower torso to stretch to your spine which will reduce the tension between your vertebrae.

Do this for 20 to 30 seconds and a minimum of 3 sets for the best results.

Alternate leg kick - Also known as Dry Land Swim, this exercise will focus on your lower back and you will also feel some tension in your abs as well.

Start by laying on the floor on your stomach. Extend your arms straight out in front of you with your palms facing downward. Raise your right arm in unison with your left leg and try to raise it as high as you can. Hold this for about 5 seconds then switch to the opposite arm and leg and repeat. Do this for 1 minute. Try to get 3 reps in.

Pelvic shift - Start by laying on your back with your palms face down by your hips. Bend your knees to get them as close to your butt as you can. Thrust upwards and try and hold that position for 20 seconds. This may seem hard at first but try and work your up to 30 seconds. Do this for 3 reps as well.

These are just a couple simple exercises that will help you grow taller if you do them consistently. Try doing these exercises everyday if you can fit them into your schedule.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are plenty more exercises and diet tips that will teach you how to grow taller. If you found this article helpful then visit my site to get more free information on how to grow taller fast.

How to Learn and Practice to be a Pianist

Anyone that’s learning to play the piano knows that you only become proficient at a new skill with plenty of practice. A roll up piano is something that you might find useful in helping you master the art of playing the piano. Many people that take piano lessons don’t have a piano at home due to the fact that a piano can be an expensive proposition. Owning a piano can also be difficult for some due to the space it takes up. This is where the roll up piano comes into play.

A roll up piano can fit into your purse and be played anywhere. It is battery operated and small but unrolls into a decent sized mat with regular sized keys, which can give you the practice you want with realistic sounds.  These units typically run for under $100.00 and can be a great asset to someone who wants to practice in various locations or for someone who doesn’t own a piano at all and wants to practice outside their classroom.
A roll up piano can make a great gift, too.  If you have someone in your life that is either a proficient player that doesn’t own one or someone interested in learning to play, this can be a thoughtful gift that’s much less expensive than buying a baby grand piano or even an electronic keyboard. Many people that have used these units rave about the quality that comes from them.  They have great sound and many sound options such as organ, harpsichord, violin, trumpet, sax and more. This can be not only for the piano enthusiast but also for any music lover.  A child or an adult would get a kick out of a great gift like the roll up piano.
Some other tips for learning to play piano better: Pianists know that practice makes perfect.   Here are a few tips to enhance your musical flair and be a better piano player:
  • Always warm up before playing. Your fingers need to stretch and become nimble with your practice drills to help you play well. Even concert pianists know the value of  a warm up.
  • Play every day.  If you play every day, you will become more proficient, quicker
  • Learn music theory.  The more time you spend learning the theory behind music such as reading music and tempos, the quicker you will be able to simply open up a music book and play whatever song you like.
  • Use the Internet. The Internet has lots of free information including practice sheets, downloadable music and even online courses that can help you to become more talented at tickling the ivories.
With time and determination, just about anyone can learn a new skill. Whether you are a young child or an adult in your golden years, you can learn to master learning a new language, play a musical instrument or any other undertaking you are willing to put effort into and practice into.

Can an Unbeliever be A part of Your Worship Program?

As a worship leader it will be significant that you simply contemplate the question of whether or not an unbeliever might be a part of your worship program. I'm typically asked this question when two situations happen in a church: there are few team members obtainable for the worship program, and the person who just isn't a Christian is a very proficient individual. You probably have a large church with many proficient musicians then the question could not have an effect on you as much, but if your team is small and a very gifted musician or singer is in the wings, are you able to willingly accept them into your worship program with a clear conscience?

What is the Worship Program Really About?

When considering your team, it's essential to cease for a second and ask your self what the worship program is all about. Is it about having an important sound, or being professional or rocking the congregation�s socks off? Or is it about leading your church family right into a deeper, more meaningful relationship with the Lord?

I might counsel to you that the worship program must be about leading people to God in worship. Certain, we want to be professional and to play and sing to a high and exquisite standard, but I might suggest that these are secondary concerns in your worship program. A worship program is a spiritual occasion, not a live performance, so the concept a non-believer can be part of your team is unquestionably out of phase with the goals of your worship program team.

Who Qualifies Somebody to Take Half in the Worship Program?

In groups that I've lead, one of many core requirements of crew members is that they know Jesus and have a relationship with Him. Non-believers can undoubtedly play effectively, sing well, and doubtless perform properly, however they haven't any idea of the very central concept of the worship program: nearer communion with the Lord. Yes, we wish it played and sung brilliantly, however we do not want to compromise the spirit of our worship program simply to sound a bit better.

One of the first main worship program teams I assembled featured an excellent drummer who was not a Christian, but who proved to be a demanding and slightly aggressive team member. We had a backup drummer who was relegated to percussion, and who was just happy to be a part of the worship program at all. When the unbelieving drummer didn�t trouble to show up to observe twice over because he mentioned he was ok, I appointed the Christian guy. He could not play as properly, however he had an amazing spirit and understood what humility and serving within the worship program was all about.

Can the Worship Program Be a Instrument To Reach Team Members?

In most fashionable churches, the pressure is on worship leaders to sound great and act professional (and this implies accepting talented people whose lives should not proper with the Lord) and I consider that worship leaders have to make a stand in their worship program. I have heard of non-believers becoming Christians due to their involvement within the worship band, but I don't really feel that that is the way we should be operating. Why not lead them to the Lord first (when there isn't any ego opportunity at stake), then introduce them to the entire idea of worship, both personal and corporate.

Using worship team involvement to win a proficient unbeliever to Christ is a bit like marrying an unbeliever to witness to them and lead them to Christ. It's across the wrong way! It's troublesome to seize a true spirit of worship when the workforce to your worship program is unequally yoked!

So, worship leaders and pastors, let us make a stand for what is right and ensure our worship crew is focused on the true activity of leading folks to Christ. We must worship in Spirit and in reality, not simply have skilled music and presentation. Don�t permit your worship program to be held to ransom by talented non-believers.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Blues Guitar Lessons Online

Learning to play blues guitar should not be boring or mind-numbing, but like all courses of music study, blues guitar lessons contain new ideas, the language of music and a whole new repertoire of physical movements to come to terms with.
In the early twentieth century blues guitar lessons were taken from a friend or relative, maybe using a borrowed guitar, or maybe using a single string on a broomstick. These lessons had no theory and paid no attention to how you sit or stand while you play the guitar, or whether prolonged guitar practice was going to damage your back or your hands.
These days you can get blues guitar lessons online which benefit from the musical knowledge and experience musicians have accumulated over nearly a hundred years. If you want to learn blues guitar you don't need to be steeped in the traditions and folklore of the people of your region. You just need to download lyrics and tabs for blues songs and learn to play them on an acoustic or electric guitar.
Blues guitar lessons online will not only teach you how to play the blues but also how to read guitar tabs and chord charts, how to adjust your tone control and pickups to get you sounding like a real blues guitar player, and basic stuff like how to keep your guitar in tune.
If you enjoy listening to blues music, but do not know much about the guitar, a typical course of online guitar lessons would make sure you knew the basics of handling and maintaining your instrument before teaching you songs in your favorite genre. Before you start learning to play blues songs and guitar solos, you would be taught some strumming patterns, how to hold the pick, and perhaps a finger picking pattern or two.
Unlike the early blues songs which would have utilized open chords, modern blues numbers make use of barre chords, power chords and exotic scales and modes. Also the sophisticated playing techniques developed over the past fifty years, like string bending, trills and slides have a big role in blues music.
Today's musical environment also produces guitar players who have devoted themselves specifically to becoming music educators, so if you take blues guitar lessons online you won't be getting a guy who spent a few years in a garage band and then branched out into teachingArticle Submission, you will be learning from a guitarist who is also a composer and seasoned professional musician who has learnt how to pass musical know-how onto students.

A Brief Look into the History of High Heel Shoes

The high heel shoe; no other fashion or accessory has caused women more pain and suffering through the centuries, be it physical agony or financial insolvency. Yet still, the bond between women and high heel shoes remains untarnished. Many (especially men) have tried to understand the relationship between a girl and her high heel shoes, but to no avail! What can one say, other than the fact that it must be love?

Shoes have been around for years, originally as a practical tool and mode of, erm, transportation. They arose from a need to walk places, but due to human nature and evolution, soon became a status symbol and a huge part of the fashion world. The nobles were the first to wear shoes to increase their height. Between the 15th to 17th century the longer and pointier the toes of your shoes were, the more higher your status in society was considered to be. These days, however, shoes are somewhat less of a status symbol, with the whole demolition of the �Kingship� concept; and have become more readily available, with a larger range of more fun, fashionable, elegant and alternative styles!

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly � Different Types of High Heel Shoes

High heel shoes come in a variety of styles, from peep toe high heel shoes, sling-back high heel shoes or stiletto high heel shoes. The list is endless but it shows how far styles have evolved within the high heel shoe industry. With such a high demand these days from women to have the perfect pair of high heel shoes with every outfit, high heels have become a must have accessory for every fashion conscious woman.

What celebrities are known for their high heels?

Celebrities such a Sarah Jessica Parker, Victoria Beckham and Gwen Stefani have all become high heel shoes style icons. Sarah Jessica Parker, most famously after demonstrating some truly amazing styles in Sex and the City all based around a pair of fabulous high heel shoes, played Carrie Bradshaw in the US hit show and was completely obsessed with high heel shoes, including branded shoes such as Manolo Blahniks and Jimmy Choos. Every girl who has a sense of style can relate to Carrie�s obsession with high heel shoes, and the well kept fashion secret that no outfit is an outfit without a pair of fabulous high heels.

Some designers have unfortunately taken the concept of high heel shoes a little bit too far. East London born Alexander McQueen decided to experiment with high heel shoes that have not one, but two heels.

Manolo Blahnik and Marc Jacobs decided to go the opposite way by designing high heel shoes, without a heel.

So yes, there are many weird and wonderful styles of high heel shoes out there, but with such a range and varied selection, it is easy to see why there is such a hype around high heel shoes.

Where is the Best Place to Buy High Heel Shoes?

You can buy shoes almost anywhere nowadays, from the high street, ordering off catalogues; in department stores to looking for vintage styles from thrift stores. If you want to buy high heel shoes that not everyone will be wearing, then the best place to look is online.

Websites like www.pozeonline.co.uk are ideal to shop for high heel shoes. This website offers a fabulous range of high heel shoes that are that little bit different from the �typical� high heel shoes that you would find on the high street.

With a sexy range of high heel shoes, platform shoes and thigh high, knee high and ankle boots online, it is fair to say that you would not have to worry about someone turning up in the same high heel shoes as you on a night out - well not if you shop from here.

Positive Thinking And Its Effect On Your Health

The first situation to consider is the relationship between thoughts and conditions like depression and stress. A crucial question is whether the person's thoughts are creating the physical depression or the physical depression is creating the negative thinking. When it comes to how you can use your mind to help, this can be accomplished consciously and subconsciously. When someone has a habit of imagining things turning out very badly, rational thinking can show show them that they often exaggerate. However, the unconscious mind is much more powerful in shaping our habitual behavior, oftentimes beyond our conscious control. Visualization and hypnosis can be very effective in modifying beliefs and, if you do this, the long-lasting effects can be more powerful than using logic only.

It is likewise true that positive thinking can have an impact on our physical health, and you may be aware of the placebo effect on people who feel ill. This is when individuals are given a pill which in reality does not have any healing value, and yet they claim to notice an improvement in how they feel. This is evidence of the connection between mind and body, and there are many examples of men and women with a positive outlook being able to recover faster from malady and injury. You can also use the power of your mind to help you in achieving your fitness goals. A historic example of this is when the four minute barrier for running the mile was broken, which had been considered as unachievable up to that point. Once the "barrier" had been broken, other runners also began to break through what had really been a barrier of belief.

The effects of aging are likewise influenced by how we think about the process. As you get older, do you talk to your friends about your "aches and pains" and your weakened capabilities? It seems there's a great deal of truth to the saying, "You're only as old as you think you are," and our thoughts can be used to undo a lot of the so-called effects of aging. Unfortunately, numerous individuals will continue to hold on to old beliefs about the unavoidable "decline" of health in old age, and not pay attention to the benefits of a positive outlook.

Now that you are aware that your attitude can bring you a much better state of health, it's up to you to take advantage of this information and set your intention to think positive thoughts whenever you remember.

Communication in a Relationship

Communication is a vital part of our lives: a typical day involves many interactions between ourselves, our work colleagues and clients, our children, our friends, our ex's, future relationships, etc. This interaction takes place where we live, work, relax, socialize and wherever we perform routine tasks.

Communication skills are critical for building healthy relationships, especially when one realizes that one of the most common causes of relational breakdown is a lack of communication. Just as communication can be the most important part of a relationship; arguments can be the most destructive aspect - the closer we are to someone, the more easily we can bruise or be bruised. There is very little truth in the saying: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me." It's not what we say, but rather how we say it, that most often hurts another person.

Do you identify with any of these statements?

"He never listens to me when I talk!"

"She talks and talks, but never actually says anything!"

"It's like talking to a brick wall"

"I can't get through to you"

"We can't talk about anything important without getting into a fight"

"She's too emotional - she's either crying or shouting or complaining. It's easier to avoid her"

"He always gets defensive when I try to talk about issues"

Communication is a complex process; of which speaking only makes up for 10-20%. The other 80-90% is made up by facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, etc.

Communication is the art/ science of transferring a thought/ idea/ information from the mind of one complex human being to the mind of one or more complex human being(s). For communication to be effective, it must be a two-way process.

Dynamics of Interpersonal Communication

1. Facts: are both people communicating about the same set of facts? Try to separate the facts from thoughts or feelings.

2. Interpretations, Thoughts or Perceptions: Each person interprets a fact differently based on their belief system, personality, values and experience.

3. Feelings: how we are feeling, our current mood and frame of mind, etc can sub-consciously affect decisions and thoughts.

4. Intentions, Needs or Wants: hidden agendas; are we looking for comfort, clarification, information or simply a chance to interact? We judge ourselves on our intentions.

5. Actions: choice of words (is the intent to create harm?) + tone of voice + non-verbal speech = body language, posture, eye contact, facial expressions, etc.

"The medium is the message" => the way the message is delivered is the message itself.

6. Self: The communication centre, which includes the issue, topic or conflict at hand, has been "filtered" by the facts, interpretations, thoughts, feelings, intentions, and choices of behaviour / actions.

Listening and Feedback

Did I say what I meant to say? - Invite feedback to clarify communication.

Someone who's not listening lets their mind drift and is already preparing the next argument or opposing thought; inaccurate feedback or limited eye contact.

Listening is an active, not a passive process. When two people argue, they only hear "what they want to hear", not what's actually said. This equates to the accusation of "not listening". Most couples start arguing and within 5 minutes are arguing about the way they are arguing.

Don't argue when you're angry - you will not be able to listen objectively. Give yourself time to cool down and then broach the subject when you are in a more reasonable frame of mind.

It's important to give feedback - checking and confirming. Did I understand you correctly? Is this what you mean? I heard you say this: am I right? Feedback can be verbal / non-verbal e.g. a nod, smile, silence or a cold shoulder. No feedback is in itself a form of feedback.

If the words and actions contradict each other, it is better to believe the actions!

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution can either be Constructive or Destructive.

Destructive Style - hinders or inhibits the conflict resolution process:

Confrontational (win or lose, blaming)

Sabotage (focus on weak points, shaming)

Manipulation (blackmail, withdrawal)

Giving in (passive, submissive)

Avoidance (denial, withdrawal)

Constructive Style � trying to minimize the issues and avoiding the difficulties in resolving the problems:

Compromise (meet halfway, understanding)

Accommodate (open discussion, communication without confrontation)

Partnership (solutions, forgiveness, honesty)

When trying to resolve conflicts, try to clarify your goals, as you will probably share many of the same goals despite of your differences. Avoid bargaining, as this may lead to each party taking a rigid position which in turn can flare tempers.

When resolving conflicts, remember that their causes may run deep. Sweeping issues under the carpet isn�t going to work in the long term, as old baggage will be brought up each time an argument starts. Try to fully resolve each issue as it comes along. You may find the following method useful:

1. Ask the other person for their feelings. Your conflict probably isn�t about the issue that caused it to start in the first place. Don�t forget that your goal is sorting out the problem, not winning an argument!

2. Ask the other person to define the problem. Stick to solving one problem at a time, that way you can understand each problem as the other person sees it.

3. Express your own feelings. Be careful to word them carefully, for example use phrases such as �I feel�� rather than �I think you��

4. Define the problem as you see it. As your feelings come out, the solution may become clearer. Remember that by you listening to the other person; you will have set the tone for them to listen to you.

5. Create multiple solutions. Don�t go back to your original agenda. Aim to find alternative or creative solutions that reduce emotions and tension.

6. Rate the possible solutions. Remember that no one can force an unacceptable solution on the other.

7. Combine and create a mutually acceptable solution. Create something acceptable to both parties, if this doesn�t work � go back to step 1 and ensure both parties are being totally honest.

8. Be sure both parties agree to work towards resolving the issue.

Troubleshooting For Problems in Communication

Control or Power Issues: Effective communication cannot take place if one person has "control" over the other or where there is not mutual respect and equality of relationship. To stay in control leads to relational isolation as the underdog reacts in anger at being manipulated or belittled.

Triangulation: Do not bring in a third party to avoid direct confrontation. If you have a problem with someone, go directly to that person. Don't dump your accusations on mutual friends or your children in the hope of winning support to balance the scales in your favour - it leads to more substantial and long-lasting damage, especially when a child is used as a weapon between parents.

19 Steps to Effective Communication

1. See communication as an opportunity to praise, build-up, affirm, heal, support and give positive reinforcement, rather than to correct, criticise, tear down, hurt, wound, lash out at. Praise opens doors to further communication, while criticism shuts them down.

2. Remember that actions speak louder than words; non-verbal communication usually is more powerful than verbal communication. Avoid double messages in which the verbal and the non-verbal messages convey something contradictory. (Credibility gap)

3. Define what is important and stress it; define what is unimportant and de-emphasise or ignore it. Avoid fault-finding.

4. Communicate in ways that show respect for the other person�s worth as a human being. �Avoid statements which begin with the words �You never �� or �I think you ��.

5. Be clear and specific in your communication. Avoid vagueness.

6. Be realistic and reasonable in your statements. Avoid exaggeration and sentences which begin with �You always ��

7. Test all your assumptions verbally by asking if they are accurate. Avoid acting until this is done.

8. Recognize that each event can be seen from different points of view. Avoid assuming that other people see things like you do. (Perception)

9. Recognize that your family members and close friends are experts on you and your behaviour. Avoid the tendency to deny their observations about you � especially if you are not sure.

10. Recognize that disagreement can be a meaningful form of communication. Avoid destructive arguments.

11. Be honest and open about your feelings and viewpoints. Bring up all significant problems even if you are afraid that doing so will disturb another person. Speak the truth in love. Avoid sullen silences.

12. Do not put down and/or manipulate the other person with tactics such as ridicule, interrupting, name-calling, changing the subject, blaming, bugging, sarcasm, criticism, pouting, guilt-inducing, etc. Avoid the one-upmanship game.

13. Be more concerned about how your communication affects others than about what you intended. Avoid getting bitter if you are misunderstood.

14. Accept all feelings and try to understand why others feel and act as they do. Avoid the tendency to say, �you shouldn�t feel like that.�

15. Be tactful considerate and courteous. Avoid taking advantage of the other person�s feelings.

16. Ask questions and listen carefully. Avoid preaching or lecturing.

17. Do not use excuses. Avoid falling for the excuses of others.

18. Speak kindly politely and softly. Avoid nagging yelling or whining.

19. Recognize the value of humour and seriousness. Avoid destructive teasing.


As you look ahead to new relationships, you need to be able to break old and faulty communication patterns to allow for healthier interaction. The use of praise and positive reinforcement will reconstruct wounded and broken self-images and will build self-esteem, particularly in children. By becoming an effective communicator, you will also grow and become a better person which will positively enhance all your relationships.

Ways to make your skin healthy

The primary step to keeping your skin healthy is preventing damage. Pollutants, air, sun as well as by just natural aging can certainly mortify the form of your skin. Frequent grumbles incorporate dry along with itchy skin, sagging, wrinkles, color alterations, together with age spots. Luckily, there are various methods that you can readily apply in order to maintain a healthy skin, feeling and looking at its most excellent appearance.

Keeping yourself fit, having enough rest, as well as getting healthy diet can set the basis for fine-looking and vigorous complexion. Moreover, a proper diet is not only the excellent way in attaining good health in general but it as well assists you to guarantee that your skin will get all of the vitamins and minerals, along with the nutrients that it requires to preserve and fix itself.

Another way to keep your skin healthy is to apply the right skin care products to your skin. The best anti aging skincare products that can aid you to hydrate the skin are now available at your favorite skin care product store online. Having a clean skin by using the best skin cleanser is also a great way of preventing skin damages.

One of the most essential ways to protect your skin is to keep it away from the harmful rays of the sun. Ultraviolet radiation harms the skin as well as it can result to wrinkles, premature aging, age spots or even cancer as well. An individual should really get further preventative measures in order to be certain that his or her skin is not totally exposed under the harmful rays of the sun. Do not fail to remember that one should apply a natural sunscreen, or a moisturizer that includes sunscreen (with minimum of SPF 15) every day. Although, it does not mean that you should not go out at all during the day, as if you are like a nocturnal creature. Your skin also needs some sunlight every day. A 10 to 15 exposures at sunrise or sunset will be alright.

In addition to that, a variety of fine skin care products such as an all natural moisturizer is one of the essential components for a vigorous complexity. Keep on moisturizing all through the day to keep your sensitive skin vigorous. Your hands as well as your face is especially vulnerable to everyday dent, and might require it to be moisturized further

How a Wedding Planner Plans a Wedding

The first thing that a planner will do is speak with you about what you want. This is where you share all of your dreams and desires for a wedding, your date, and what you expect. This is where everything you want starts to become a reality. Planners will get a good grasp on what you are looking for, which helps them to get everything moving forward. Know what you want, remain straightforward and detailed, and stay focused so that the planner has all of the important information.
You will go over the budget, services, and cost, as well. While you will talk about what you want, you will have to talk about the facts behind making this wedding happen. You will go over all of the information so that you understand all aspects of the service. During this time, the planner will likely go into further detail with you about what you want. This is all part of setting up the budget and getting everything going.
Planners have to make sure that contracts and vendors are set to go, too. The planner will help you when getting everything, will manage the planning, will make the best choices for you, and will help you to make your vision your wedding. You will find the right venue, find vendors, and get the big stuff figured out. With a planner, you will make these choices in a timely fashion and you will have objective guidance when making final decisions.
For the small and personal decisions, you can have your planner there. This is someone who will invest themselves into this process to keep you happy. They are there to give you objective advice based on their years of knowledge and experience. When you are trying to have the perfect wedding, like anyone else out thereArticle Submission, having this person may take a large amount of the stress away.
You can also count on the planner for the day of the wedding. They are going to make sure that all vendors are doing their jobs and that everything remains on track. Planners are there to keep everything running smoothly to make your wedding the best it can be.

How to Make a Perfect Grilled Chicken

Grilling can be a fun, family activity during weekends. Spend your lazy afternoons in your backyard, and take out those grillers for a grilled chicken for your dinner.

Learning how to grill is not as hard as you would see on television. All you need is the proper temperature for your griller especially if you are using an electric grill. Nevertheless, if you have the conventional griller, try to find some dried wood or charcoal. Ignite the coals or wood by placing crumpled papers below each coal and then set the papers on fire. Do not pour gasoline on the coals or dried wood. The smoke coming from the coals will give a gasoline-like aroma to your grilled meat. These are your best weapons in grilling.

Choose the best part of the chicken. I usually use chicken thighs and legs since they are the fattiest parts of the chicken. These parts will yield a juicy, barbecued chicken. Although these may sound unhealthy, the taste is incredibly delicious. Some would still prefer grilling chicken breasts with the skins on.

Before you start grilling your chicken, do not forget to marinate them at least overnight. Yes, overnight. This is because the longer you marinade your meat, the better absorption of flavors happens. I prefer to use store-bought marinades as these save much preparation time in the kitchen. The downside of most ready-made marinades is their high sodium content. But if you have time, you can make your own marinade from scratch. In the recipe below, the marinade and the chicken were simmered together to speed up the process of grilling and also to let the flavors marry together. I like Asian-style marinades such as this:

For every kilo of chicken:

� cup light soy sauce (available in the Asian section of grocery stores)

2-3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice

4 tablespoons brown sugar

1 medium stalk of lemon grass (pounded)

3 cloves crushed garlic

1 teaspoon sesame oil (optional)

Combine all the above ingredients in a heavy skillet and let it boil for two minutes. Add in the chicken and simmer for another five minutes. Drain the chicken in a colander and reserve the marinade for basting during grilling. Basting is necessary so that the chicken won�t dry out. The marinade can also be made as a sauce by making a basic roux. This is simply done by placing a tablespoon of butter on a non-stick pan and let it cook for minutes. Pour over the marinade and whisk until the sauce thickens. Taste the sauce and adjust the seasonings accordingly.

You can also opt to make a dry, rub marinade. This dry rub is comprised of herbs and spices and a little oil. For chicken, dried or fresh tarragon and rosemary blends together very well. If you want a spicier, grilled chicken, add a pinch of chili powder and cayenne pepper. There are limitless marinades for grilled chicken. A little imagination and creativity are the keys. Make sure that when grilling the chicken, never let the flame flare up. This will result in burnt chicken. This does not appeal both to the eyes and to the palate. If this occurs, sprinkle a little water over the flame. Some also like their grillers to be covered during the grilling process.

Personally, I liked mine uncovered. There is just something about the smoke which is, for me, the essence of grilling. Grilled foods are best served warm, right off the grill with some salads or other vegetables of your choice.

Reasons for Taking Bass Guitar Lessons for Grading

Bass Guitar is a popular instrument that was first developed in the 1930s. Since then, it has come a long way to being used in many different music styles including rock, jazz, reggae and punk. Universities and music colleges now offer bass guitar diplomas and degrees, though most students generally stick to informal training with bass guitar tutorials. However, there are some good reasons to take exams and obtain certification, either a degree or a diploma.
International recognition
An excellent reason for preparing for grading exams is the international recognition that comes along with certification. This ensures that your qualification as a guitarist is acknowledged all over the world, or at least in most countries. This can easily open up your way for any sort of musical event, job, performance or further studies in music. Of course, for this to work as it should, it is important that the grading is obtained from a reputed organisation or exam, such as the ABSRM, RGT or RCM, institutions that are globally recognized.
Setting goals
Some people are able to work better with random learning at their own pace. However, most people learn better through a systematic learning process which can be evaluated over a period of time to see how much they have actually learned. For many students, bass guitar lessons for preparing them for exams also help them to set goals for their future music study. While taking formal exams, you will be able to understand how much you already know and what you want to do next. You can decide on your short term and long term goals in advance and accordingly work towards them.
Measure your own success
Very often, musicians who have learnt on their own or through informal teaching do not know how far they have reached in their learning because of the lack of systematic grading. Even those who play very well really have no idea exactly what grade they are in. In order to measure your own success and to understand how much you still have to work on your music, grade exams are important. This can be especially helpful if you are stuck in a rut regarding your musical learning or career.
All rounded guitarist
When it comes to playing an instrument like the guitar, sometimes some techniques and basic knowledge are neglected. This means that the student often does not gain a complete understanding of basic concepts like rhythm and reading scales, without which one cannot really progress beyond a certain stage of learning. When learning through a certified and standardized course, you have to follow a structured syllabus, without leaving anything out. This will help hone your weak points and build up your knowledge base, resulting in your become a better and well rounded guitar player.
Musical career
Whether you want to become a bass guitar teacher or whether you want to work in some other field related to music and bass guitars, you will require accreditation from a reputed institute. Taking bass guitar classes in order to get a diploma and make a name for yourself in the field of music is the best way forward. A degree in music is always helpful in impressing future employers of your worth, just like in any other field.

Youth Ministry Resources - Stop Creating Resources For Your Ministry

I was sitting in my office the other day and had an interesting thought about youth ministry resources. If I never created another game or sermon for my students, would that make me a bad student pastor? Possibly, after all you do have to listen to God's leading of what He would have you to do every day. But I can say with great confidence that I believe it is very likely that the answer to that question is no. No you would not be a bad student pastor if you stopped creating materials. Here's why.

It is very likely that your gifts in ministry are something besides creating games, sermons, studies, etc. for your students. However there are people out there who have been gifted in that exact area, creating youth ministry resources. There are creative people and incredible writers who are using their gifts and talents everyday. Since we are the body of Christ, we should fulfill our part of the body and let others use their gifts and talents to reach the body also. Stop trying to be a foot if you are a hand. Get the idea?

Also, the real mark in your student's lives is going to be the relationships you build with them. Yes, the materials will help to guide and grow those relationships, but the biggest piece will be your time. Your listening ear and caring heart will go a lot farther than you could ever imagine. Those relationships will change one life at a time and in turn just might change the world.

Let's rethink just exactly what is important in ministry. Let's reconsider what our role, as a student pastor should be. Yes our job descriptions is going to guide much of what you have to do, but where you can alleviate some of your load, do it. Free yourself up for your family and your students. Getting your youth ministry resources from somewhere else may be a great place to start.